My Work



doYou is a fullstack application built using MongoDB, Node, Express, EJS and Tailwind CSS. Users can log in to profile for customized experience utilizing passport authentication. Journal entries are time stamped and saved to the database and referenced with a unique user ID.

Dev Days

Dev Days is a full-stack microblogging site with authentication. Post, edit, delete and tweet your developer journey. Built with Mongoose, MongoDB, Node, Express and EJS. A Teamasaurus Collaboration.

Marks Lawnmowing Service

My neighbor recently quit his job and went all in on starting a landscaping company. I saw that he put a sign in his front yard and took it upon myself to build a website. He was thrilled! Now if only I could get him to send me a couple pictures of his work, I can wrap this thing up...

I am a software engineer

based in Buffalo, NY

Working as a chemical dependency counselor, I had a passion for helping people and working through problems. I used database software to chart patient interactions that were less than user-friendly. These frustrations lead me to learn JavaScript because it seemed like a simple fix. I found a passion that is software engineering. Since then I started freelancing and have built websites and web applications for clients and volunteered for non-profits to do the same.

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